Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well, they really don't celebrate Halloween over here. We did have a party though. The house that was just built for the German girls was just open 2 weeks ago. We had a house warming party for them. It was a lot of fun! There was a lot of people there! There was even a camera crew there. A German station came to follow around this German guy who is living in Tanzania permanently. He came to the party and so did the camera crew. Of, couse me being an American and not really good at German they didn't talk to me. lol lol
After the party died down The neighbors and I went to Twisters. Twisters is the only dance club in Iringa. It is really cool. At the beginning of the night they play African music and then as the night goes on they play American Rap, Hip-Hop & Pop. It is really cool to hang out with the locals and do the things they do. I really like it. Let me say American men can't hold a candle to Tanzanian Men when it comes to dancing!!!! I have never met a Tanzanian guy who doesn't love to dance. It's a great experience, but a lot of times I have to be a little careful. When white girls dance they are almost mugged by the guys dancing. So, we dance in a group and keep an eye out for each other or we dance by some of the Tanzanian guys we are friends with. They seen to ward off teh other guys well lol lol :-)
I love The African music. It is so intense! It has a great beat and it's really fun and easy to dance to. I danced with my friend Justers last night and he would tell me what they were saying in the music. A lot of the themes to the songs are a lot like ours in the States.
So, all in all it was a great night! I had a lot of fun!

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