Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We are here!

Hello all! We are here and are having a wonderful time! We stayed with Emelda's family the first night and they send there love to everyone! They are amazing people and welcomed us with open loving arms! They all miss Emelda so much! We stayed at the Lutheren center in Iringa last night. :-) Mark and Cindy got to stay in the Bishop Suite last night. There room was huge! How do they rate? :-)
We are in Iringa now and will be leaviong today to go an safari. We are all well and eating too well! We hope all is well with all of you! The next posting should be on Thursday. We are 8 hours ahead of you. The weather has been great! Even the weather in Daresalam was great! It wasn't too humid!! I prefer the weather in Iringa. Its nice during the day and cools down to about 60 degrees at night.
We send our blessing to you all from Tanzania!
Jenni, Mark, Cindy and Ladonna

1 comment:

Gordy said...

Its great that you are doing well.

Nice to hear the reports of what you all are doing.
I will be praying for you all.

God's blessings on all.

Gordy Hagfors