Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Up on the Mountian

The song that explains my experiences and my love for Tanzania and it's people is best described in Steven Curtis Chapman’s song

The Mountain

I’m wanna build a house up on the mountain. Way up high where the peaceful waters flow to quench my thirsty soul, up on the mountain. I can see for miles upon this mountain. Troubles seem so small they almost disappear; Lord I love it here, up on the mountain.

My faith is strength and my all that I see. You make it easy for me to believe, up on the mountain. Oh up on the mountain.

I would love to live upon this mountain and keep the pain of living life so far away, but I know I can’t stay up on the mountain.

I said I go Lord where ever you lead for where you are is where I most want to be and I can tell we are headed for the valley.

My faith is strength and my all that I see. So lord help me remember what you told me up on the mountain.

You bring me up here on the mountain for me to rest and learn and grow. I see the truth up on the mountain and I carry it to the world far below. So, as I go down to the valley knowing that you will go with me. This is my prayer Lord help me to remember what you have shown me, up on the mountain.

I cherish these times up on the mountain. I can leave this place because I know someday you will take me home to live forever up on the mountain.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Last Friday in Iringa

Almost every Friday the DIRA group, I and whoever else we invite go out for Kitimoto. We just sit there relax, because it always takes at least an hour to get your food maybe two. We talk about our weeks and just enjoy each others company. It's a really nice ritual.

Well, we went this last Friday because it would be my last Friday. We were all getting ready to go when Inga's mom called. So, they decided that Ross and I would go ahead and order. Chrissy and Inga would meet up with us in 15 min. It had been a little rainy that day and Sally said that I could borrow the SUV for the night.

We got there and ordered and had a beer. We talked about me leaving and Ross was sad that not only was he the only boy at Dira since Juho and Eero left, but now he would be the only American. We were joking that he would have to learn German face since he would be surrounded by them. lol

Then the girls came to join us. We talked and waited for our food. It hadn't rained for a while so, we got to sit in our usual spot outside. It was a really nice night. The past could of night had been really cold. When I say that they were cold I mean they were probably around 65 degrees. I would go out side at night and shiver like crazy, so I will probably die of hypothermia the moment I step out of the airport doors. lol lol

Anyways, we finally got our food after and hour and a half. It was unusually really really good! Less bones and fat then normal. It was a great meal. After we were done eating Inga ordered another beer. I was thinking oh great it always takes Inga an hour to finish one beer and I don't have time to sit around for too long. I have to start packing, but I said nothing. We sat there and talked as we waited for Inga to finish the beer. Like clockworks an hour later we were ready to go.

We all hopped in the car and went back to Dira. Chrissy had to go to the bathroom really bad so I tried to get home quickly. We pulled in and there were candles sitting on all the ledges in font of the building, there were also kongas hanging form the clothes lines a ways above the candles. I was thinking oh... how cute we are all going to sit around and talk just the four of us and have a beer. I realized my previous notion was wrong when Felix one of our German friends popped out.

Then there were people that came out of nowhere. All of my friends that I had met while being here were at this party for me. It was so amazing.

We had a great time talking about Tanzania and all the great things that we had done over here. They all told me how much they would miss me, I think some of them even cried. It was such an amazing surprise! I had never had a surprise party before. Now that I look back on it there were so many little things that I should have noticed, I can't believe I don't figure it out! lol

This would be the last night that I would get to spend time with my whole Tanzanian family.